We need your help
Be the mentor you wish you had
Many of you had a mentor who helped you find your true path to success. Your mentor helped you discover your interest in helping people to heal naturally. Your mentor showed you the incredible difference you could make in people’s lives every day. Your mentor showed you your own capacity to become the best version of yourself. Mentorship makes all the difference.
Special Admissions Issue
Help grow the profession
Ways you can help as a Life West Ambassador DC
Be a champion for the profession
When we connect potential chiropractors with you, they begin to understand why you love your jobs so much. There are only 100,000 chiropractors in the world and many prospective students have never been to a chiropractor.
Create learning opportunities for future chiros
Prospective students need real-world experience in chiropractic. By shadowing you in practice, they understand what it’s like to build a practice and run a business. They see their future first hand.
Become a resource
We are stronger when we work together. Mentor docs collaborate to bring the chiropractic story to more people. The mentor program gives you resources that help you reach more future chiropractors and refer them to Life West.
Register as an Ambassador DC!
Are you already a Chiropractic Mentor?
We love to work with the students who are referred to Life West by chiropractors. They have become attracted to chiropractic because they connect to the idea of making a difference through natural health care. They have a vision for themselves that can carry them through the challenges of admissions and completing the program. They have a heart for service that they have learned by watching your dedication to your profession. Your referrals are greatly valued and appreciated!