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Life West Students Give 100% at Life 101

In April, 60 students and staff headed into the beautiful Sierra Nevada Mountains for Life West’s 7th LIFE 101 experiential camp. This was a program I designed while at the New Zealand College of Chiropractic and brought it to Life West when I arrived in 2011.

Imagine spending 3 days in a beautiful wooded setting, being pushed to your physical limits, finding out what your true values are, understanding who you are in the world and how to play well with others, and discovering what your dreams and aspirations really are. This is the essence of LIFE 101.

We begin Friday morning on campus and travel by bus for three hours to a beautiful camp setting deep in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

The essential heart of Life 101 is defining who you are as a person and as a chiropractor. I have a team of facilitators including Drs. Tez Molloy and Eric McKillican. Tez is a chiropractor from Australia who is an expert NLP trainer. He worked in Australia with corporate training groups, and he ran one of the most successful government funded program for street kids. Most people know Eric. He is a dedicated chiropractor, and a former member of the Anthony Robbins logistics team.

I have studied many successful DCs over the course of my career. The essential definition of success in chiropractic is not limited to the typical elements such as financial acumen, patient volume, and so on, although it may include these. I see success as a synonym for fulfillment.

Fulfillment is what drives a chiropractor of 40 or 50 years to keep going back into the office year after year to keep serving at a higher level.

That ‘something’ was the intangible. It was the thing that kept these people awake at night thinking about how they could better serve their people. And it was not just about chiropractic.

I realized that these people had a high level of self-awareness and a deep love of serving other people. LIFE 101 is a way of sharing with our students and staff ways to look inwards for the answers, rather than looking outwards for the next thing.

To date I have led 14 of these camps and not one student has pulled out or found it to be as waste of time. Instead they commonly say “Can I come again?”, or “Is there a LIFE 201?’ The answer to the latter is a resounding “yes” and we are planning LIFE 201 later this year.

So I can think of many compelling reasons for a prospective student to attend Life West, and I would say with absolute certainty that the LIFE 101 experience should be on the top of the list.

– Dr. Brian Kelly

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